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Norbert & Linda Hirschhorn

April 2, 2014

The first leg of Norbert Hirschhorn’s spring tour of the USA went down a treat. It was standing room only on 30 March at the event in the Afikomen Judaica bookstore, Berkeley.

Norbert Hirschhorn. in his usual fashion, beautifully recited some of the poems from his collection To Sing Away the Darkest Days – Poems Re-Imagined from Yiddish Folksongs.

His sister Linda, renowned singer songwriter, cantor and director of Vocolot, provided the live music, accompanied her brother on the guitar, and sung some of the Yiddish folksongs which inspired Norbert.

Photo by Lili Shidlovski

You can find out more about To Sing Away the Darkest Days and buy the book from this page.